Small works to support growth and embody culture
Islington, N1
1,020 sq ft
Office furniture procurement
Adding personality in a co-work environment
Improving culture
Improved furniture choices and interior design for a tech start-up
Tractable are an AI company specialising in visual tasks. The work they do is intensive, with programmers largely desk based but needing occasional collaboration for problem solving the latest development innovation together. Like many start-ups, they chose to take up residence in a co-workspace to take advantage of the flexible communal areas. Conscious of the newness of the company and the ever-growing workforce (which doubled during the course of the project), Tractable wanted to make their own mark on the space to help engender a sense of culture and make an impression on visitors.
Tractable asked us to help them procure additional furniture according to the design scheme and add final accessories and styling to their office in the co-workspace in N5. We added their own identity to the blank canvas of their unit through a redesigned meeting room, creation of a small breakout space for informal meetings and by sourcing new desks that allowed for more flexible working.
Design for a constrained budget and short timeline
As a start-up, Tractable didn’t have a large budget for their project but they knew they wanted to create a space that felt inspiring and supported their fledgling workforce as much as possible. With the money they had available for office furniture procurement, they wanted to make the right choices, so ask us to curate the space and procure for them.
As this was a small office with low numbers of employees, we could go beyond traditional office furniture suppliers. We knew that in order to meet timelines and budget constraints, some high street furniture would need to be purchased so that we could ensure that more functional furniture like desks and meeting room table were sourced commercially for longevity and durability.
We were keen to ensure there was plenty of personality in the space and where possible we also introduced vintage items of furniture that added interest in the space. Pops of colour were added to create warmth.
As a new company that had just developed their brand, they were eager to put their stamp on the space so we created a bespoke illuminated logo they could display proudly on the walls of their workspace.
Styling for character and individuality
Never ones to consider designing a space without plants, we made sure that the budget allowed for biophilic touches and a mix of accessories that brought some character.
Gaming references, vintage artwork pieces and technology books were subtle nods to the personalities of the team members that were working in the space.
Once again, this project demonstrated that even small works within certain constraints can create successful outcomes for bringing a company’s culture to life for its brand and its people.
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